Saturday, October 31, 2009

Obamu, Obamu!!!

The Japanese have coined a new word which means persevere with optimism, ignoring all obstacles. And guess what the word is? OBAMU! The Japanese Teachers’ Network in Kitakyushu has been credited with coining the word and its definition, a great hit with the youth especially.

Obamu: (v.) To ignore inexpedient and inconvenient facts or realities, think “Yes we can, Yes we can,” and proceed with optimism using those facts as an inspiration    (literally, as fuel). It is used to elicit success in a personal endeavour. One explanation holds that it is the opposite of the Japanese word kobamu. (which means to refuse, reject, or oppose).

In a complex world ridden with  issues and the media reports (truthful reporting!) sensationalising happenings all over the world, it is natural for people to feel negative and pessimistic. This has always affected people especially youngsters. How can one counter this and move from pessimism to optimism?

One needs to identify adversity. What thoughts or ideas come to mind like recordings played in your head? Be aware of these thoughts. Are they realistic or are they imaginary? What are the consequences of irrational thoughts and fears? Challenge their usefulness.

Thoughts make things. So the key is to entertain positive thoughts. After all we don’t lose anything by entertaining them; and in fact we have everything to gain! So thanks to Obama let’s move on chanting this magical word! :)

:) …. OBAMU! OBAMU!! Yes, we can! Yes, we can!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This Works For Me

One of the basic premises that we as human beings must nurture in us is that each day we grow and evolve into better people. That is why I simply love this affirmation - “Each day and in every way I am becoming better and better.”

It said that growth happens in spirals, working its way gradually into the deepest core of our beings until it finally becomes part of who we are. So very true. Now I am working at making this a part of me. Of late, the thought that comes to my mind when I really don't know what to do or what not to do, is this:

"If this is what God wants, then this is what I want.
Whatever God sends my way is for my ultimate good.
He has my interests at heart much more profoundly than I ever can.
Therefore I joyously accept everything that You send my way,
for all of it is an instrument of Your grace to help me void of my karma,
and move me into eternal health and happiness."

When I let go and let God, I also enjoy a huge sense of expansion and relief. I also feel good that I am aware of my thoughts and focus and there is absolutely no tension / stress etc. I feel there is a shift in my consciousness and it is doing me a world of good.

I am learning the art of living... by living in the Now, the Present!! No wonder, present means gift ... Somebody said, yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. Let us therefore focus on today, the present, a gift ... Better late, than never, right? :)